Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Unconference with BarCamp

Tim Wilson drew my attention tonight to an upcoming F2F-event on May 5th in Minneapolis: minnebar. According to the site:

minn?bar is based on BarCamp and is an open-conference born from the desire for people interested in web-focused technology and design to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants. All participants should plan on either hosting or actively participating in a discussion, giving a demo, or helping with one. The only cost to attendees is their active participation.

Very cool idea, maybe something the Discovery Education Network and groups like it should look into! This is an example of dynamical conference organizing, much different from the typical (more technocratic / centrally-planned) edtech conference that most of us are used to. I’ll look forward to reading about Tim’s experiences and thoughts afterward! The slogan of the event is:

No Spectators, Only Participants

Wouldn’t that be a good philosophy of teaching to embrace on a regular basis?

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On this day..







One response to “Unconference with BarCamp”

  1. Chris Messina Avatar

    Have you seen Voices from the New American Schoolhouse. Looks like education done Barcamp style!