Category: opencontent

  • Daily Blogging and an Ode to RSS

    One of my favorite Twitter lists which I follow regularly in Flipboard is “Gigaom Vets.” The list includes people who previously worked for GigaOm magazine, which has been rebooted but unexpectedly fired all its staff in March 2015. They were an amazing group of tech and tech culture journalists, and they still are, except now they…

  • How Much Should Teachers Share Online?

    This morning as I browsed recent updates and recommendations to my YouTube subscriptions on AppleTV, I saw Amy Burvall (@amyburvall) recently liked the February 2015 video “Vlog 1: Importance of Sharing” by pre-service teacher, Dakota Smith. He posted this over a year ago in February 2015. I watched the entire video, and was so glad…

  • Encouraging Pre-Service Educators to Share Work Publicly Online

    (cross-posted from In her recent review of my eBook, “Playing with Media, simple ideas for powerful sharing,” Barbara Brown wrote the following paragraph which inspired me to literally jump for joy. Barbara wrote: After reading the book and paying close attention to the ideas about media creation and media sharing, I decided to move…

  • Unplugging from the Commercial Software Grid: Open Source is not Three Guys in a Shed Anymore.

    Since Wes called me Oklahoma’s “Open Source Yoda turned Wyoming Cowboy”in a recent post and has given me the opportunity to write while he is away I thought I would hit on one of my favorite topics for my final post, Open Source Software (OSS). Please let it be noted that Yoda probably has more…

  • Professional Digital Publications Archive Project

    This week has already included two major life milestones for me, and one more is coming on Friday: Texas Tech University officially approved the final, corrected version of my dissertation (“Impact Analysis of Phonecasted Lecture Summaries“) for publication in the Texas Digital Library. Today’s notification email indicated I should be ready to wait up to…

  • Essential Media for Educators

    I’ve created a new page on my blog which I’ve titled, “Essential Media.” This is linked under the drop-down menu for “Resources” at the top, but if you’re viewing my site on a mobile device you may not see that link. I encourage you to visit and bookmkark/save it. At this point, here’s what I’m…

  • Going Mobile with WordPress and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    These are my notes from the January 30, 2012, Oklahoma City WordPress User’s group meet-up at The Div in Edmond. WordPress is a free, open-source content management system used by tons of folks worldwide to create websites. MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. is the website Dan Lovejoy built by hand (not…

  • 2011 #k12online Conference Starts Monday

    The ‘regular week’ presentations of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference start tomorrow on Monday, November 28th, at 8 am EST! Please check our conference schedule the next two weeks for daily updates, Monday through Friday! 4 new presentations will be published daily, focusing on our theme, “Purposeful Play.” Professional development certificates for participation are available this…

  • Balancing Open and Closed Web Publishing

    As educators we should be advocates for “open web publishing.” Open web publishing is sharing content on the Internet’s World Wide Web which does NOT require a login or password to access. “Closed web publishing” is sharing digital content online which is password protected. There are good reasons to interactively share content on the closed…

  • Open Educational Resources: Share, Remix, Learn #iste11

    These are my notes from Karen Fasimpaur’s session, “Open Educational Resources: Share, Remix, Learn” at the 2011 ISTE conference. Resources from Karen’s session are on Open Educational Resources: Share, Remix, Learn (v4) View more presentations from Karen F Creative Commons has had a HUGE impact on the work I do, helping teachers accomplish their…