Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

RSS and Blogs are here to stay

Lots of technologies and fads seem to come and go. I wouldn’t put RSS and blogging in those categories, however.

The article “RSS feeds future revealed” is right on target, in my opinion. The term “RSS” is still relatively unknown, but you just have to look at what heavyweights like Yahoo and MSN are doing to integrate it into their services. As usual, Microsoft is being slow on the uptake with their browser support for RSS, but this is planned for Windows Vista in late 2006 (formerly “Longhorn.”) Apple already has RSS integrated into its Safari web browser, again as usual setting the standard / staying one step ahead of many others.

I do disagree, however, with the article author’s predication that we’ll see consolidation to just one or two RSS readers in the market. Look what is happening in other areas, like web browsers and podcast receivers. The proliferation of alternatives in the marketplace of creativity continues to move the Internet community forward, and I think a safer bet is that RSS development will continue to explode– rather than consolidate within just a few readers. That is “old thinking”– thinking that folks like Bill Gates would love to be true. But you know, “The World is Flat.” That wasn’t true a few years ago, but today it is.

Thank goodness, because I was really sick of so many websites being IE compatible only!

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On this day..



