Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Google news embraces RSS feeds!

Hey, this has seemed like a long time in coming, but Google News is finally supporting RSS feeds! For some time I have used Justin Fister’s Google News RSS ATOM XML Generator, which is free, to track news issues of interest via Google News.

Glad to see Google has joined the RSS revolution. This has been a long time coming, I perceive, because RSS/ATOM feeds allow users to access content sans advertisements. This is the way I like it! And that is the way we, as Internet users, should be permitted to access content!

From my initial scan of the Google News RSS feeds, it does not appear that they are interlacing the feeds with advertisements, which is great. Hopefully advertising will keep it’s ugly head out of Google News RSS/ATOM feeds in the future too. Thanks to Tim Wilson for the heads up on this.



