Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast17: Teacher Impact Stories

This podcast features a recommendation for Comic Life software, a heads up for my upcoming presentation at Lubbock’s Ultimate Education Summit, podcast referrals for students doing “shout-outs” to teach other and creatively using vocal transformation technologies, and teacher impact stories from undergraduate and graduate students in my summer and fall courses.

Program Length: 32 min, 44 sec
File size: 7.5 MB

Podcast 05 Nov 2005(Click here to listen to this podcast)

Show notes for this podcast include:

  1. Comic Life software
  2. Comic Life’s gallery of examples (lots of great ideas here for instructional uses)
  3. Tim Wilson’s podcast interview with the creators of Comic Life
  4. Upcoming “Ultimate Education Summit” in Lubbock
  5. Mills Murfee Podcast shout-out to Room208
  6. Room208 podcast shout-out to Mills Murfee students
  7. Walter Doue’s podcast interview with John Dewey
  8. David Warlick’s books on instructional technology and redefining literacy

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