Educational podcasting is still pretty rare, at least in Texas schools in my perception, but more great examples of creative teachers and students using podcasts are available than ever before. Here are some new ones I learned about recently along with a couple I’ve been listening to for awhile:
- Radio Willoweb: Podcasts by students and teachers at Willowdale Elementary School in Omaha, Nebraska
- 4th graders in Countryside School in Mount Laurel, New Jersey have created enhanced podcasts of their 2004-2005 3rd grade books. Over 70 podcasts are available on their iTunes channel (this link should open iTunes automatically.)
- The Pioneer Podcast by Patton Elementary Students in Austin, Texas (monthly podcast)
- Room 208 Podcast in Wells, Maine (3rd and 4th graders)
- Mills Murfee Podcast in Lubbock, Texas (2nd graders)
Nebraska teacher Tony Vincent (the author of the Learning in Hand website) co-hosts a podcast with Mike Curtis called “Soft Reset” about using handhelds in education. The Willowdale Elementary website, maintained by Tony, is incidentally a fantastic model for a school website.
The “Resources for student podcast writers” for Willowdale Elementary is also excellent.
Bob Sprankle’s Bit by Bit Podcast is one of my favorites. Bob directed me to the Worldbridges podcast, a very sophisticated podcast and live radio program which addresses a wide variety of issues relating to education and technology.
Other current favorites of mine include:
- Tim Wilson’s Saavy Technologist podcast
- David Warlick’s Connect Learning podcast
- NPR’s Science Friday podcast
- Science @ NASA feature stories podcast
- NPR’s Technology podcast (listed on the NPR podcast directory)
The Carollton-Farmers Branch ISD in Texas is using a podcast to connecting with the community. Broward County schools in Florida is producing a “News 2 Go!” podcast to better communicate with their constituents.
Lone Star Gridiron is a commercial podcast about Texas high school football.
One response to “Great K-12 podcast examples”
Awesome, what a timely post! After our school board meeting last night, I mentioned using blogs and podcasts to the assistant principal and she was interested in getting some examples. You came thru for me Wes! 😉 Thanks.