Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

SuprGlu feed river

SuprGlu is a free, web 2.0 aggregation site allowing users to create a personal portal site integrating various RSS feeds from popular sites like flickr,, blogging engines, etc. According to the Suprglu website:

SuprGlu currently relies on RSS (Really Simple Syndication) and ATOM feeds. These are feeds published by the web service you use so that you and other people interested in you can read updates more easily from an aggregator (like Bloglines).

I created a personal suprglu page aggregating RSS content from my Moving at the Speed of Creativity blog, flickr photos, links, and 43 places/43 things entries.

SuprGlu creates a personalized “feed river” of RSS content like RSSMix and other feed aggregation tools I’ve blogged about before. The difference about SuprGlu is that it is personalized, sort of a personal RSS/ATOM feed portal. Unfortunately (reportedly because of the large number of feeds they are tracking) SuprGlu goes not appear to update very frequently. Still a very cool idea, however, with lots of potential. Especially nice since the website can integrate diverse RSS sources in a nice looking portal. Maybe they’ll develop a “ping SuprGlu” option, so feeds can be updated on demand.

Via Cheryl Oakes’ week 3 webhead reflection post!






3 responses to “SuprGlu feed river”

  1. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    PeopleFeeds is another RSS feed river aggregator for a personal portal, similar to SuprGlu. Thanks to Bosko Milekic, the developer, for letting me know about PeopleFeeds.

  2. Cheryl Oakes Avatar

    I do like SuprGlu, my link is… for the Webhead reflection, you missed the webhead in the address.