Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Fight involuntary TV consumption

Here’s a wonderful gift for that special someone in your life who has everything (or maybe even yourself): a TV-B-Gone remote control. Ever been irritated at an airport by the incessant rant of the CNN reporters on the TVs located by every departure gate? Ever notice how no one in your part of the airport seems to have requested that these TVs be turned on? I have. A very novel and disruptive idea.

Is use of TV-B-Gone ethical? Probably not prudent if you’re visiting a local sports bar. But at the airport? Is it ethical that the airport folks have the TVs turned on, and are subjecting you and everyone around you to the video images and audio sounds of the CNN channel irrespective of your opinion on the issue? These are good questions to ponder.

Or good questions to take action on. Thanks to Mark Glaser (the blogger for PBS’s MediaShift site) for posting on this.




