Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Proposed DMCA expansion

Good grief. Even trying to circumvent copy protection on CDs or DVDs you own could become illegal if the latest DMCA modification bill becomes law. This is just legislation, but it is eye-opening that stuff like this is being proposed.

The big corporate folks are (surprise, surprise) driving the legislation here. According to the CNet article:

The draft legislation, created by the Bush administration and backed by Rep. Lamar Smith, already enjoys the support of large copyright holders such as the Recording Industry Association of America. Smith, a Texas Republican, is the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees intellectual-property law.

More reason to support EFF. I would recommend following Lessig’s and Vaidhyanathan’s blogs to see their commentary on this, which I am sure will be forthcoming.

Via Molly Wood.



