Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast56: Marco Torres on Engaging Students Through Digital Media

Marco Torres is an internationally renowned speaker, filmmaker, and author of a wide variety of digital content. He is also a high school social studies teacher in San Fernando, California, which is in Los Angeles county. Marco was named the California Teacher of Year last year, and serves on the board of the George Lucas Educational Foundation. He is a passionate teacher focused on helping students become engaged in learning and acquire the skills they need to thrive in our twenty-first century digital culture. Marco believes in helping students learn to market themselves well, because test scores cannot and do not sum up the capabilities and potentials of human beings. Marco is a fellow-devotee of the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, and sees digital media as the tools of liberation for people who have lived in comparatively disadvantaged situations. Marco sees the Internet as the stage on which digital media content is and will continue to be published for a global audience hungry to hear the voices of our neighborhoods. The podcast shownotes include links to some of Marco’s websites, digital media creations, and those of his amazing high school students. We need more teachers in our schools with the passion, dedication, and vision of Marco Antonio Torres.

Program Length: 49 min, 54 sec
File size: 12.0 MB

Podcast 03 May 2006(Click here to listen to this podcast)

Show notes for this podcast include:

  1. Marco’s homepage
  2. Marco Torres: Blurring the Line Between Student and Professional (Apple Education Spotlight)
  3. Teacher Hero: Marco Torres
  4. Marco’s “Teacher Movie” (shown during his preso)
  5. Other movies by Marco’s Students (this is a phenomenal gallery– I love “Digital Students”)
  6. EduTopia spotlight on Marco Torres
  7. Marco’s Photo Galleries at
  8. The iCan film festival produced by students from San Fernando, CA

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