Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Looking Back: Part 1

Wes has foolishly allowed me, Miguel Guhlin, access to his site. So, I would like to start by first telling a story, and tomorrow a photo!, he would never share with you, his faithful readers! Let us descend back into that time before high speed access to the Web was ubiquitous, to a shadowy world where denizens of the ‘Net carried their light into the darkness of pre-connected classrooms, and dinosaurs roamed the earth with impunity.


“You have to meet this guy,” said an older man in a business suit to me. His name is lost in the annals of antiquity, but his bald head, glasses, and name badge on his suit proclaimed him as an educator attending the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) State Conference. When that conference took place, well, that’s hard to say but it was somewhere between 1995 and 1998. “Wesley Fryer is up and coming and you need to keep an eye on him!” He introduced me to a quiet young man, a teacher for Lubbock Independent School District, who in truth seemed only a few years younger than I. This casual meeting would lead to a friendship nourished by mutual respect and admiration (at least, I like to think so!).

And, I have kept an eye on Wes. I have thoroughly enjoyed his articles over the years…even though we were in the same field–Educational Technology–we each seemed to have a different take and varied interests. Together, Wes and I have written for about 8-10 years in TCEA’s TechEdge magazine, but Wes has gone national in a big way. And, like the older man in the business suit, I’m proud that I had a chance to meet Wes when he was first starting out in Texas. As I’ve so often shared with friends, I knew Wes when…So, over the next few days, I’ll be sure to share some of Wesley’s early writing…and let you know why he was, and continues to be, such a force in Texas, and now, the world!

If you know of any stories from Wes’ past, this might be the time to share!







2 responses to “Looking Back: Part 1”

  1. Wes's mom Avatar
    Wes’s mom

    Miguel — You really know how to say things a mother loves to read!