Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

SLJ mention

I learned today that I was mentioned in the May 2006 issue of School Library Journal, in “The Buzz” column in an entry titled, “A Tech Guy Worth Knowing.” The article states:

Wesley Fryer— self-described on his Web site as an educator, author, and digital storyteller— maintains a blog entitled “Moving at the Speed of Creativity.” For providing comprehensive coverage of education technology and insightful discussion of related issues, both Fryer and his blog are worthy of attention. Recent posts describe a Tennessee school district’s effort to ban iPods on campus and a podcast chat about censorship, MySpace, and the 1989 protests in China’s Tiananmen Square. Currently director of instructional support services at the Texas Tech University College of Education, Fryer was selected as an Apple Distinguished Educator, Class of 2005.

This mention was a surprise to me, as well as the faculty member who brought it to my attention. I do not think many of the people I work with daily (as part of my regular job) are very aware of the edublogosphere and the ongoing conversations here, of which I am a part. One is never a prophet in his own land… 🙂






6 responses to “SLJ mention”

  1. David Stone Avatar

    I couldn’t agree more with SLJ-congrats! Thanks for being on the forefront & bringing the latest & greatest in edtech, etc. to our attention.

    The Expert is never from “around here”-they are someone from out of town with a briefcase (Or iBook/iPod in your instance).

  2. Mike Muir Avatar

    Congrats, Wes! That’s a nice honor and a great surprise.

    Of course, the “self-described” reference from your blog in another journal in your blog is a little like when you have a mirror on two opposite walls and you stand in the middle and look at all the replications of myself! (ok, maybe it’s time for me to take a break from working so hard!).


  3. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Ah yes, well I am being a bit self-referential here I suppose! 🙂

  4. Eric Langhorst Avatar


    Awesome! I actually saw that the other day when I was paging through the magazine and was planning on sending you an e-mail. Congratulations!

  5. Graham Wegner Avatar

    Hi Wes, along the same lines as the post, I have taken the liberty of featuring your good self in a Moodle Online course for our education department’s E-Learning Week. The course was put together by four educators here in Adelaide and features different sections in a self paced online course (so unfortunately I can’t give a URL to check it out). I was responsible for three sections, one on Educational Blogging, one on E-Learning Experts and another section on Interactive Whiteboards. You feature in the E-Learning Experts section along with Marc Prensky, David Warlick, Doug Johnson, Will Richardson, Dr.Helen Barrett, Jay Cross and Stephen Downes. The section was a feature on educators whose web presence stretched beyond a blog and included a wide range of resources to explore, so you can see why you are featured. I can check with the organisers to e-mail you a login to take a look if you were interested but for now, just thought you’d like to now that the traffic from Australia to your site should increase this coming week!

  6. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Excellent Graham, many thanks– I’m honored to be included in this august group! If it is possible to send me a login I’d love to drop in and say hello to the folks discussing edublogosphere issues!