I noticed today that the proposal for instructional technology reform in Lubbock ISD (PDF) that I wrote in 2001 and published online is now the 3rd hit out of over 100K for “lubbock isd technology.”
Sadly, this proposal was ignored at the time and the district went on to replace certified teachers in computer labs with uncertified teacher aides through an attrition policy that continues today five years later– much to the instructional detriment of both students and teachers in the district, in my opinion which has changed from that of employee to parent of district students in the intervening years. The district has hired demonstration teachers, however, but campus-level technologists are mostly teacher-aides. These folks often do a tremendous job, but the core thesis of my proposal still stands I think:
Technology instruction can no longer be left up to para-professional / teacher- aides. These non-certified employees can still assist district technology goals as lab supervisors in some situations, and as troubleshooters and network managers, but they cannot realistically be expected to teach the TA-TEKS independently or even collaborate effectively with classroom teachers to create integrated lessons. The heart of technology integration is instruction, not merely the supervision of students engaged in CAI as in the past. Certified leadership in TA-TEKS instruction is essential and indeed non-negotiable if the instructional requirements of state law (content area TEKS and TA-TEKS) are to be met. Failure to involve certified personnel in the development of integrated technology lessons is tantamount to a refusal to comply with state educational law, as outlined in the TEKS (http://www.tea.state.tx.us/teks).
(Page 4, item 2 of the PDF proposal)
One response to “Google relevance”
Wes, I like your blog a lot and think that you are pretty decent in your presentation of thinking, but is not this just self-promoting? You can do better than to talk about youself on the blog.