I had a great conversation today with Calvin Weeks of eBastille, an Oklahoma-based company specializing in:
eDiscovery, eForensics, eResponse, eRecovery, and eDestruction.
Calvin is involved in a new organization, “Teens Against Predators,” which hosted a very successful “Stop Internet Predators” workshop last night in Norman at the Moore Norman Technology Center. They used the iSafe curriculum that I podcasted about last weekend.
Eric related that at the workshop they had over 75 attendees and gave away about 11 iPods. This seems like a winning formula to me:
Give away iPods + Share good info about iSafety = A very well attended event with kids, parents, and community members!
Whatever your age, consider getting certified with iSafe to present about Internet safety issues in your local area. There are many components of educational advocacy that can be advanced by the dialog which ensues from discussions on Internet Safety. A basic one is better, more frequent, and more open communication between kids and their parents. There are many other aspects to iSafety, however, and it is great to hear about experts like Eric taking a leadership role in the community to promote events like this. Don’t wait for someone else to get the iSafety ball rolling in your community– get online and get iSafe certified on their Virtual Training Academy (for free) today!