Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

MTI 2006 presos on Kan-Ed Live!

Both of my spotlight sessions at the MTI 2006 conference last week are now available as streaming videos on Kan-Ed Live, in their archives. The sessions were:

Will Richardson’s sessions are also available:

Free QuickTime 7 player software is required to view these presos. I posted the first one as a podcast last weekend, but had audio recording problems with the second, so I’ll be grabbing the audio from the video recording soon and publishing that audio-only podcast as well.







One response to “MTI 2006 presos on Kan-Ed Live!”

  1. Mark Ahlness Avatar

    These are great presentations, and thank you for sharing them! To be able to see/hear Brian Crosby and Cheryl Oakes – as presented by you in Kansas – well, it just blows me away! They were fabulous, as was your message, as usual 🙂 To be able to watch a tech guru like you struggle with a technical problem (Cheryl’s video), and then GET it, was nearly as powerful as the content. We in the classroom know what that is like, so it’s nice to know you are mortal 🙂 – and that when the puzzle is pieced together, the picture is amazing, and that it is truly worth the struggle. – Mark