Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast77: Learning As Conversation and Messy Assessment

This presentation was shared at the Mid-America Technology Institute in Winfield, Kansas on July 28, 2006. Truly educative experiences are often in short supply in schools today. Interactive experiences become engaging when they are meaningful for the learner. To help students authentically learn both the content and the process skills of the curriculum, educators should strive to engage students in meaningful conversations and activities. Technology tools can be invaluable aides in this process. Assessment should not be only multiple choice: To truly assess the understanding and present abilities of students, teachers need to embrace and utilize a variety of “messy assessment” strategies that can powerfully leverage technology for engagement and evaluation.

Program Length: 1 hr, 8 min, 12 sec
File size: 16.4 MB

Podcast 08 August 2006(Click here to listen to this podcast)

Show notes for this podcast include:

  1. definitions of “assess”
  2.’s synonyms for “assess”
  3. Inspiration software
  4. “The World Is Flat [Updated and Expanded]: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century” (Thomas L. Friedman)
  5. “A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future” (Daniel Pink)
  6. Partnership for 21st Century Skills
  7. Failing Grade: An Obsolete Structure in a Digital Age (Oprah interview with Bill and Melinda Gates)
  8. Edutopia from the George Lucas Educational Foundation
  9. Schlechty Center for Leadership in School Reform
  10. “Working on the Work: An Action Plan for Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents” (Phillip C. Schlechty)
  11. Tim Wilson: The Savvy Technologist
  12. “The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America” (Jonathan Kozol)
  13. Bloom’s Taxonomy (I reject the left sidebar of this version, however: We must have K-12 students working and thinking in the upper levels too!)
  14. Brian Crosby’s Learning Is Messy Blog
  15. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
  16. MTI 2006 Conference Wiki
  17. MTI 2006 (MACE) Moodle Site
  18. Streaming video version of this presentation on Kan-Ed Live!
  19. This podcast was created using Ubercaster (beta)

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On this day..



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3 responses to “Podcast77: Learning As Conversation and Messy Assessment”

  1. Ewan McIntosh Avatar

    I just blogged a very messy (formative) assessment that took place through blogs to improve creative writing. The summative results (which arrived for students yesterday) showed a massive improvement (whole *third* better than pre-blog use). Proof that it really does make a difference.

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    That is great, Ewan! I’ll check out your post– Hopefully you’ll be able to to get your results published in a journal or magazine as well, so more folks can learn about your work and these findings!

  3. […] Promote and explore ideas about messy assessment. […]