Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Please submit a proposal for K-12 online!

As you may already know, the first annual FREE K-12 online conference is coming up at the end of October and beginning of November. Even if you have never presented at a conference before (online or face-to-face,) I encourage you to consider sharing a presentation for K-12 Online. “Presentations” are recorded screencasts, audiocasts, or videos about issues relating to web 2.0, and will be posted to the conference blog during the weeks of the actual conference. Compared to a “regular” F2F conference presentation, the stress and pressure should be much less since everything is pre-recorded! If you make a mistake, just go back and edit it out! This is an ONLINE conference, and while there will be some opportunities for synchronous interaction via Elluminate and skypecasts, most of the interaction will be asynchronous via blog comments and postings.

Check out the proposal submission guidelines page on the conference blog for details, including the actual online proposal submission form.

Please also encourage others you know to submit a proposal! You don’t have to have the proposal finished to submit it as an idea! As of this moment, we still haven’t received 10 submissions in two of the four conference strands– and we need 10 presentations for each one! (In addition to the keynotes for each, which are already set up.) Our current received proposal numbers, by thread, are:

  • A Week In The Classroom: 14
  • Basic/Advanced Training: 8
  • Personal Professional Development: 11
  • Overcoming Obstacles: 7

Proposals are due by Saturday night (Sept 30th) at midnight US Pacific Time. Please submit and encourage others you know to submit proposals so our conference will be as successful as possible! 🙂



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