Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Wiki, Blog or Moodle?

I’ve posted some thoughts about how to decide which web 2.0 tool to use over on the TechLearning blog.







2 responses to “Wiki, Blog or Moodle?”

  1. Denise Jaffe Avatar
    Denise Jaffe

    I got a message that the site is no longer there. I was trying to locate the Wiki, Blog or Moodle? article in Tech Learning. Do you by any chance have it available? Thank you.

    Denise Jaffe
    Professional Development & Curriculum Coordinator for Technology
    West Hartford Public Schools – IT Dept.

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Here’s the link Denise, I fixed it in the original. A new company bought TechLearning and changed the blog engine we are using, and apparently that changed the permalinks. I wasn’t aware of that, so thanks for letting me know!