Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast106: Draft for Review and Feedback – Safe Classroom Blogging

Blogs are being SAFELY used by classroom teachers around the world to help students develop and refine their abilities to write and communicate effectively. Learn about a variety of classroom blog examples, and how you can get started using blogs in your classroom with free, safe digital tools. (This is an enhanced version of this presentation that requires free QuickTime player software or iTunes software to view. An audio-only version is also available, see the podcast shownotes for links to this and additional resources.) Please provide feedback on this presentation to help make it even better before January 10, 2007!

Show notes for this podcast include:

  1. Links to resources referenced in this presentation are available on
  2. A link to an enhanced version of this presentation is available!

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3 responses to “Podcast106: Draft for Review and Feedback – Safe Classroom Blogging”

  1. Bing Miller Avatar

    Wes – I just came upon your site a few weeks ago as I have begun wading into the blogosphere. With each small step I’ve taken, I’ve been blown away with just how much potential is out there, and how much some people are already utlilizing it. So far, my students (high school) have responded positively to my introductory use of a classroom blog at, but it has triggered in me a desire to further engage and motivate the students through the use of technology. There’s just so much more I can do. This is the beginning of the journey for me, and leaders in the field like you are helping show me the way. Thank you!!

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Bing: I’m glad to hear you have joined the conversations in the edublogosphere and especially started the journey of using these tools with your students! You are right, the possibilities are really amazing. Since everyone is in a different place with regard to their use of these tools, the best way to learn is definitely from each other’s experiences. Looks like you all are on to some good work with blogs in the secondary language arts arena. Best of luck for 2007!

  3. Vinnie Vrotny Avatar

    I have listened to the podcast and I personally found that the introduction and set up, which seemed like it was over half of the podcast. You do a great job of setting up what blogging is and the history. I enjoyed the focus on Lessing and his work. The focus on objectives and what you are trying to do with the blog is excellent and this should be emphasized more. But if I were to read the title safe classroom blogging, I would want more details.

    My thoughts. BTW, I was a member of the group who constructed the disruptive technologies wiki at k12. Looking at the history, you will find I did a significant amount of work on the project.

    As I think about this more (I am doing a 40 minute presentation on Jan 27th on the same topic), I will post additional thoughts.