Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Draft Safe Blogging intro video

I’ve completed an initial draft of the video I plan to use at the start of my MacWorld 2007 presentation on “Safe Blogging to Improve Student Writing.” Full credits are listed on the video’s wiki page. The video is in QuickTime format, so you’ll need free QuickTime player software installed on your computer to view it.

QuickTime Video link: Safe Classroom Blogging Introductory Video (6 min, 39 sec – 30.3 MB)
– This version was compressed/exported with default “for CD-ROM” settings in iMovie, and therefore will NOT start playback in a web browser until fully downloaded. This link connects to my .Mac iDisk public folder where you can download it.

Many thanks to H. Songhai, Clarence Fisher, and Gail Desler for their contributions to this video.

If you have comments, feedback or suggestions for this introductory video, please let me know by commenting here! Note this video is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License. Under those terms, feel free to use this for your own presentations and professional development sessions!

(After reviewing this again, I realized it is inaccurate to include text of going on a “world tour” since I’ve just included 3 classrooms that are all from North America. I’ll change that text in the video to reflect a “North American” tour rather than a world tour.)

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7 responses to “Draft Safe Blogging intro video”

  1. Kelly Dumont Avatar

    Wes, Great job. I had thought about the world aspect as well, but you already caught it. Nevertheless, I especially enjoyed seeing and hearing the students in their own voice describing what it means to them. The power is there.

  2. Bob Cotter Avatar

    I always enjoy your creations and as Kelly said, the students comments about the benefits of blogging was an important part of the video. I think the title of the movie needs to be changed. I’m on the lookout for resources to use for my internet safety presentations and thought this might work… however, it doesn’t relate to safety and Web 2.0. The slides at the start went by very quickly… I’m not certain they made as much impact as they would if there were fewer (or the same number) presented with more time between them. Cheers… Bob

  3. Rob Darrow Avatar

    I liked how you shared what life is like in the blogosphere without speaking a word and without telling viewers how important it is for them to start blogging. It is great to have this video organized like this so that it is in the words of students and teachers, and it gives a snapshot of what the current educational blogosphere is all about. I can see this video being useful to share with a number of groups, including school board members, administrators, librarians, teachers and parents.

  4. Dean Shareski Avatar

    I’d also agree with Bob’s comments about the title as well as the power of the student voices. I’d like to see some voices from Clarence’s students or some middle level students. If you’d like, I can get, or you can use, portions of my video with first graders and the students of Kathy Cassidy’s grade one classroom.

    Listening to the students from SF is really the critical message and piece…good stuff.

    Thanks for sharing a draft and allowing others to contribute. We’ve done this with wikis but haven’t seen this done much with video.

  5. Mark Ahlness Avatar

    Wesley, the video is absolutely fantastic – it will be a great intro into what I’m sure will be a wonderful presentation – good luck! I had meant to respond to your call for contribs a few weeks ago, and I am sorry I did not get to it. If you are looking for any last minute testimonials, shoot me an email. I’m in the midst of trying to “bring the bloggers back” from last year… long story. Anyway, safe travels, and all the best – Mark