Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast138: Students Providing Tech Support: The 21st Century A/V Club (Sylvia Martinez)

This podcast is a recording of a presentation by Sylvia Martinez at the TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) conference in Austin, Texas, on February 8, 2007. Sylvia is the CEO of “Generation Yes,” an extremely successful program in which students provide technical and instructional technology support for teachers and their peers in schools. In addition to learning technical support skills, students in these programs learn to work independently, document their work, collaborate with others, and cultivate a variety of interpersonal skills that are essential for success in the 21st century workforce. GenYes offers curriculum for students to earn certifications while serving on the help desk staff for their school and district, which they can take forward with thim on their resumes into the workforce. All schools should consider starting a GenYes program as an elective course or in another format. Our need for technical and instructional technology support will only grow in schools in the years to come, and it is essential that schools constructively leverage the tremendous potential of technical expertise that resides within their student population.


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3 responses to “Podcast138: Students Providing Tech Support: The 21st Century A/V Club (Sylvia Martinez)”

  1. Mrs. Durff Avatar

    Super great idea! I will start a Student Support Team next school year during our activity periods. Right now, I just know which kids to ask. It’s funny that those kids have the wool pulled over parents and teachers eyes. I promised not to reveal their names….or abilities….

  2. Mark Ahlness Avatar

    Wesley, thanks for the tip! I will pass on this great idea locally. I hope it gets some consideration, as it’s a wonderful approach, on many levels.