Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

And so it begins (OLPC deployment)

The images from the deployment of the first laptops from the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project in Nigeria were posted to CNet April 11th. Amazing and heartwarming!

Students in Nigeria receive their OLPC laptops

Students in Nigeria receive their OLPC laptops image 2

Parents in Nigeria meet to learn about OLPC latops for their children

I remember learning the song “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You” when I was growing up and going to school (Kindergarten through 3rd grade) in Lubbock, Texas. (No, I did not decide to attend UT as a result of that musical indoctrination at an early age!) Certainly the eyes of the world are on OLPC now.

I am also reminded Scott Carpenter’s words to John Glenn before Glenn’s first trip to space in Friendship 7: Godspeed.

Godspeed OLPC. The eyes of our planet are upon you.

Via Chris Lehman via Tim Stahmer.

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3 responses to “And so it begins (OLPC deployment)”

  1. Jason Avatar

    The team of wishes all the children in Nigeria good luck!

    Regards, Jason

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    And the teachers, and the parents!

  3. Olivia Morris Avatar
    Olivia Morris

    This is very good for the school children in Nigeria. Excellent attempt at closing the international divide, however, what about technical support on site. How would school manage the repairs, distribution, maintenance issues in developing countires who live mostly on international aid. Does each teacher has a computer? would there be a need for a computer lab? I am sure these questions were already addressed but I am really curious about the plans to sustain this program. Also looking forward for this program to be implemented in other developing countries