Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Ian Jukes shares thoughts on YouTube

Ian Jukes was probably the first person at an educational technology conference to really open my eyes to the power and potential of the digital world. I think I first attended the TCEA conference in 1997, and that was the first year I heard Ian speak. The most recent time was in June 2005 at a culminating banquet for the Texas Technology Leadership Academy in Austin, when Ian shared his presentation “Windows of the Future: Rethinking Learning for the New Digital Landscape.” I’ve heard him several other times over the years, and he never fails to challenge my thinking and provoke me to reconsider some of the assumptions I’d made about technology, learning, students, teachers, and the intersection of all four.

In preparing some updated links for a full-day workshop I’m sharing tomorrow in Wichita, Kansas at the State Department of Education’s annual conference on “Safe Digital Social Networking,” I was delighted to discover two videos of Ian on YouTube:

Ian Jukes Talks About The Role of Technology

Ian Jukes Says The Smorgasbord Doesn’t Work

Certainly listening to and watching Ian on YouTube does not quite compare to hearing and watching him in person, but his message is almost as impactful. We need to embrace the availability and creation of asynchronous video content like this in our schools. I’m not saying we all need to argue for YouTube to be unblocked on our district content filters tomorrow, but we certainly need to think more critically and openly about how we can embrace more user-created content in our schools. If it is not already, our school districts should consider unblocking TeacherTube for a start.

These videos are super. Thanks mrvlman1.

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