Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Two great podcast presentations from TCEA 2007

I was delighted to learn this evening that both the presentation of Lynn Burmark (of The Thornburg Center) titled “They laughed when I told them how I beat stress!” and Jamey Osborne’s presentation “Creative Commons: Escape the Hassles of Copyright Infringement” from TCEA 2007 are available online via the Apple Learning Interchange. (Thanks Tim Wilson!)

These are both TOP NOTCH, outstanding presentations that I commend to all educators. Lynn Burmark’s perspectives on teaching, learning, stress relief, laughter and joyful living are a breath of much-needed fresh air amidst continued focus on high-stakes testing and accountability in many U.S. K-12 schools. Her session at TCEA 2007 was packed with attendees, and for good reason, for Lynn offered not only an enjoyable presentation but also concrete suggestions for stressed-out educators everywhere to find relief through humor and a healthy focus on the things which are most important in learning and in life.

Jamey Osborne is now the Director of Instructional Technology for the La Porte ISD, near Galveston Bay east of Houston, and previously taught in El Paso. His perspectives on copyright, intellectual property, and the ways Creative Commons licensing is and should play a wider role in the legal uses and sharing of rich media files for educators are right on target.

If you’re looking for some good professional development in upcoming weeks, look no further than these two audio recordings of recent presentations by Lynn and Jamey.

My own text notes from Jamey’s session as well as Lynn’s session are available as well. (I attended both these presentations at TCEA 2007.)

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