Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Blog comment problems here?

Have you had trouble leaving comments on my blog lately? I reconfigured my blog spam plug-ins awhile back, and it has REALLY helped– almost eliminating all blog spam entirely, but it seems comments have been quieter than usual. That may be because people are just not wanting to comment… but I want to make sure technical problems are not getting in the way of comments. I have seen a couple of comments where people have had to post several times, and I think eliminate some links from their comment in order for it to be accepted by WordPress.

Among other comment spam plugins I’m running an older alpha version of James McKay’s Comment Timeout, and have the following settings configured:

Comment timeout WordPress plug-in

I’m thinking this may be the culprit. If you’ve had problems commenting lately (in the past few weeks) please let me know with a comment here! If you can’t leave a comment, you can contact me via other electronic means.

I’ll likely upgrade my WordPress version as well as plug-ins in the next couple of weeks, and see if that addresses any problems people may be having. If you have suggestions along these lines, I’m certainly open to consider them. 🙂




