Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

A great start to Learning 2.0

Will exaggerated just a bit…. I actually just wrote 1 blog post and completed a partial podcast on the plane… my laptop battery juice didn’t let me do much more on our 13 and 3 hour flights to Tokyo and Shanghai! It was a long blog post tho, so I probably should have chunked it into 37 pieces! 🙂

This evening the Learning 2.0 conference kicked off with a great, sponsored dinner and a panel discussion by the main speakers. I was honored to be included in this august group.

Our Friday night panel discussion, with TwitterCamp running

Ken Carroll, co-founder of Chinesepod, recorded the panel discussion and it will be available soon for download. We had an eclectic group on the panel, so it made for some interesting commentary and discussion. I thought this was a super way to kick off the conference, since it gave attendees a taste of each presenter’s ideas and perspectives before our regular conference and “unconference” sessions start tomorrow.

Sheryl wrote a great post today about “Making an Unconference Work for You” that I’d encourage everyone to check out. She also included direct links to each presentation tag on the conference Ning, which is the best entry point into the conversations taking place both F2F here in Shanghai and online. Please join our discussions…. after all, this is “learning 2.0!” You don’t have to physically be here with us in Shanghai to join the conversations, contribute questions, share perspectives and learn with us! 🙂

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