I’ve spent the day today at Asher Public School in Asher, Oklahoma, working with all 5th through 12th grade students on digital storytelling using VoiceThread. We created six different VoiceThread digital stories together today as part of the Great Book Stories Project. Five of these are linked from the “Listen and See” page of the project wiki. One more (about “Where the Red Fern Grows”) is not linked yet, as the librarian is still waiting for some students to return their parent permission forms to participate in the project and publish their voice on the Internet. (A sample permission form in MS Word format which you are free to modify and use as desired is available on the project guidelines page.) Here are the five digital stories about “favorite books” the students in Asher created today:
To Kill a Mockingbird (10th graders in Asher, Oklahoma)
The Case of the Disappearing Daughter (5th grader in Asher, Oklahoma)
The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe (9th graders in Asher, Oklahoma)
Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli (8th grade boys in Asher, Oklahoma)
The Outsiders (11th and 12th grade students in Asher, Oklahoma)
The Great Books Project is open to anyone, worldwide, who would like to use these ideas, use any of the project resources, and contribute digital stories. 🙂
Technorati Tags:
books, stories, voicethread, digitalstorytelling
3 responses to “Voicethreads about favorite books!”
Thank you for sharing this list of student-created work. To be able to show teachers what students can create using online tools is far more powerful than leaving the end product up to the imagination of the teacher!
If you go into the options section of Voice Thread you can change the amount of time it takes for the slide to change after the voice is over. The default is four seconds…which can be a LONG time for some kids. I set it to zero.
I know when I first checked out voice thread I did not want to use it because everyone I looked at only had one slide…I didn’t realize that you had to wait four second to see the next one!
I also appreciate you sharing student work. I know when you shared the stories your children created over the summer, I vowed I was going to get some students at my school to do the same! Here’s one that’s finished: http://tinyurl.com/2nd9yp!
How many students were you working with? I’ve found it hard to work with a group bigger than 3 when putting this together. Also one thing that’s slowed me down is not having good mics hooked up to the computers so students can record directly into VoiceThread. We’ve been recording into an iPod, converting it to an mp3 and then uploading it.