Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Enabling social bookmarking

I am a vocal advocate for web-based social bookmarking. My latest article for the TechEdge is titled “Social Bookmarking 101,” and in my morning workshop yesterday in Richardson, Texas (“Powerful Ingredients for Digitally Interactive Learning”) my top recommendation for participants following the session was to play, explore, and begin using social bookmarking as they “work the web” on a daily basis.

Given the high value I place on social bookmarking, I was delighted to learn about the free service AddThis today. I learned about it when I clicked an “AddThis” bookmarking link on Rather than limit your blog or website users to using a single social bookmarking site, AddThis supports multiple sites and lets visitors select the one they want. I installed and activated the AddThis WordPress plug-in and whoa-la, a new “bookmark this” icon is available at the end of all my posts to facilitate social bookmarking by visitors. Very cool.

After you register for a free account, you can (if you don’t want to or can’t use the WordPress plug-in) generate HTML code to insert into your blog or other site post template, so the “AddThis” bookmarking button will appear on all your posts.

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3 responses to “Enabling social bookmarking”

  1. Shaun Fletcher Avatar

    Hi Wes,
    I was just reading your latest entry in my reader and thought I’d share a
    useful application of delicious and wikispaces together. I have been using the link rolls
    in delicious to create code that I use in wikispaces to display sites from delicious with
    specific tags. I have an activity period two days a week where students play interactive
    math and science games in our computer lab, anything I tag as “games” immediately gets
    fed into the wikispace where students can access it.

    I’m also using this for specific units of science, so that students have access to sites
    we use in class and sites that I just don’t have time to share within class.
    I thought some of your readers might find this useful. Sorry if you’ve talked about this
    already in another post.
    Btw I’m fletcher3836 on delicious. Cheers

  2. Alan Levine Avatar

    Thanks for the Add This link- seems a bit more featured than the one I was using from solosub… I never tire of finding out I dont know it all about the web 😉

  3. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    np – I’m honored to contribute in a small way to the author of “50 ways to tell a digital story!” 🙂