Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

K12Online07 recommendations for Bud’s Peer Teacher

Bud the Teacher has asked for recommendations of K12Online07 presentations for a social studies teacher at his school. His blog rejected my comment (probably because I included so many links) so I’m posting it here and then reference linking this post as a comment on his blog.


Several of my top recommendations for the teacher you’ve described are:

Step by Step- Building a Web 2.0 Classroom by Drew Murphy

Cell Phones as Classroom Learning Tools by Liz Kolb

LMS 2.0 – Engaging Learners Using More Advanced Techniques and the Odd Mash-up inside Moodle by Jason Hando

Lots of other great ones to choose from though!

You might also encourage your teachers to use the free K12Online PD reflection database and participation tracker. I need to revisit this with our volunteer developer, Jamie Osborne, as some things are still not quite finished– but you can see (if you scroll to the bottom) reflections posted by others to sessions, and this may help teachers select sessions to view based on the comments and feedback provided by others:

Once they find a session they are considering viewing it is also helpful to see the comments shared on that particular session strand’s post on the main conference blog.

I’d like to see us develop some kind of checklist that is importable and customizable for next year’s conference, like a widget for iGoogle. It would list sessions, include links, indicate whether that session had been viewed, if the person has filled out a PD reflection for that session, etc.

If the teachers have suggestions for how this could be improved we’d welcome them. We have a PD wiki and I can grant you access if desired:

That is the private wiki our PD committee used when developing the PD tracker system this year. The public wiki for PD is linked from the main site and is:

Glad you all are making use of the great content shared by our K12Online presenters. Remind everyone that presos from the 2006 conference remain online too:

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