This evening as I continued the process of updating my vitae with activities and updates from 2007, I needed to find my first-ever podcast to add that date under the vitae section I’ve titled, “Podcasting Projects.” It turns out that date was August 3, 2005, and the title of the 13 min, 12 sec podcast was “Adventures in Brazil, Fear in our Classrooms.”
In some ways it seems like a LONG time since that first podcast, which I incidentally made from my parents’ basement in Manhattan, Kansas, when our family was visiting during a vacation. Counting the months, however, it’s amazing that was just two and a half years ago. It’s pretty amazing to think about how much I’ve learned about digital information sharing since that time… and how much has changed. In just two and a half years! What is our information and communications landscape going to look like in ten years?!
I listened to that first podcast again, and am thankful I don’t seem to have shared or said anything that sounds ridiculous or erroneous. The accountability and transparency associated with Internet publishing really are novel aspects to information sharing, which I don’t think most people had an opportunity to experience (for better or for worse) in previous centuries.
I love the speech excerpt I included in that first podcast, from President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address in 1933. Just as it was in 2005, I think it’s true that FEAR continues to be a predominant feeling and emotion in many classrooms across our nation. As I said during this podcast, I remain disgusted with the ways so many adults continue to allow fear and use fear to manipulate others and define learning environments. No one functions at their peak performance level within an atmosphere of constant fear. We need to keep reminding ourselves, and telling others, that the time for being led by fear and led by leaders who preach a gospel of fear IS OVER.
It’s time to replace fear with hope. It’s time to exchange threats for invitations to learn. It’s time to abandon reactionary responses which look only to the past, and replace them with inspired words and deeds which look to the future.
Technorati Tags:
fear, leadership, vision, podcast, podcasting, education