We finished up another great Celebrate Oklahoma Voices 2 1/2 day workshop today, and twenty Oklahoma teachers have now been introduced to digital storytelling and submitted their digital stories to our growing archive in our COV Ning website. Because we had twenty participants for this session, which is twice the size we’ve normally had in the past, we divided into two groups at the end of the workshop for our “digital show and tell” sharing time. Several participants created digital stories which are tributes to members of their own family, and these were the most touching stories I was able to hear today. (I’ve just heard and seen 10 of the stories so far, I need to view the rest online on our Ning site. These are a few examples:
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!
Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!
As I wrote last month in the post, “Why Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Matters,” this project is about MUCH more than just digital storytelling. There are few professional activities I find more rewarding than helping teachers learn how to become effective digital storytellers.
Besides Ning, the main other web 2.0 tools we shared with teachers was del.icio.us and the Flickr Creative Commons image search. All our links from our 2008 workshops are aggregated on http://del.icio.us/tag/cov08.
Technorati Tags:
cov, cov08, oklahoma, digitalstorytelling, storytelling, history, video, ning, education, teacher, professional, development
2 responses to “Family member tribute digital stories”
Aren’t these fantastic stories. Behind everyone it seems is a good story. Thank you for sharing them.
This is something I am wanting to do with students and teachers her in NZ. It sounds like a full, fun, packed 2 days…. Keep up the hard work.
Simon: Thanks for the feedback– Please leave comments for these teachers on their digital stories in our Ning! Our workshop agendas and other resources for these workshop days are all available online. We’ll be creating some updated handouts as well as screencasts before we offer this workshop again in about a month.