Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

NCCE 2008 workshop audio recordings

I presented two three-hour workshops at the NCCE conference in Seattle back in February, and am publishing the unedited, recorded audio from those sessions tonight. These are each broken into two parts, before and after the breaks of each workshop. Since these are so long, I am not publishing them as edited podcasts. If these are of interest, however, please feel free to check them out and share feedback with me as a comment to this post.

26 Feb 2008: Safe Digital Social Networking

Program description: Young people also need guidance and adult assistance to learn how to safely navigate the virtual environments of the 21st Century. Schools must be proactive, rather than merely defensive, in helping students acquire the skills of digital citizenship needed today and in the future.

27 Feb 2008: Cell Phones for Learning

Most cell phones today have more computing power than those available to NASA during the Apollo program. Let’s explore ways cell phones can be used to help learners access web-based content, remix it, share it, collaborate with others, and create media-rich deliverables for a global audience. Participants are invited to use your own cell phones capable of using SMS (short message service) during the workshop.

Mark Ahlness and Wesley Fryer at NCCE 2008

The above photo of Mark Ahlness and I was taken on day 3 of the conference. I published all my photos from NCCE 2008 in a single Flickr collection.


Glenn Malone and Wesley Fryer at NCCE 2008

What a GREAT conference, made great by the SUPER people I met and learned with! 🙂

Glenn Malone (pictured above with me) shared a great thought at the conference in one of our conversations about education, educators, and schools. He reminded me that the main people who are real change agents in schools are teachers, principals, and superintendents. Everyone else is just an influencer– but not necessarily a powerful change agent. This helped me do more thinking about what I want to do when I grow up. 🙂

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