Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

links for 2008-06-19






4 responses to “links for 2008-06-19”

  1. Miguel Guhlin Avatar

    Wes, you sure did a lot of tap-dancing to keep your blog entry positive, however, what it boils down to is that NECC is about making money, not education. While that’s a “Duh” kind of comment, you’d think the ISTE and NECC organizers would be supportive.

    I have a DIFFERENT point of view than you on this. I want to encourage EVERYONE who attends NECC–every single person–to podcast as many presentations as possible and share those online via the Web, anonymously if necessary and in other countries.

    If I wasn’t committed to attending NECC for work purposes, I’d boycott the event. I for sure will NOT grant NECC the right to own my content. If I’m presenting, speaking, I’m NOT going to ask for permission to podcast my own work and presentations.

    In fact, at the Birds of a Feather session I’m doing, I won’t be following NECC’s rules about podcasting. I intend to record my presentation and share it with as wide an audience as possible. No, it won’t be brilliant but it will be free.

    Who the heck do they think they are?

    Rage, rage at the dying of the light.

    Warm regards,
    Miguel Guhlin
    Around the

  2. Terry Freedman Avatar

    ISTE is correct from the point of view of copyright, but have gone about it in the wrong way in my opinion. I have organised several conferences in England, and have made a point of telling everyone that podcasting is fine unless a presenter specifically requests otherwise. Most don’t.

  3. John Kain Avatar

    I wonder how ISTE is going to determine that the “amateurs” record no more than 10 minutes of a session. Will there be monitors with stopwatches patrolling the convention center? Also, if I read the policy correctly, an ISTE-credentialed radio reporter could record and broadcast a large portion of a session, but Wes Fryer could record and podcast nothing without the permission of ISTE and the presenter. Who would have guessed that ISTE is biased toward old media?