Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

links for 2008-07-22






2 responses to “links for 2008-07-22”

  1. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Wes, job well done. It’s always great to learn about fellow Oklahoman’s.

    Shelly Fryer

  2. John Peters Avatar

    Wes, I enjoyed your digital story of Jim Thorpe. I have always admired his athletic prowess and what he accomplished in the early part of the 20th century. When ever I see the movie “Jim Thorpe – All American” starring Burt Lancaster is on television, I have to watch it!

    It is amazing that in the Olympics today we see professional athletes competing in so called “Dream Teams” which started in the 1992 Barcelona, Spain Olympics had the 1989 ruling allowing professionals to compete in the Olympics been in place when Jim Thorpe competed in the 1912 Olympics, he never would have had his gold medals taken away and his Olympic records erased in 1913.