Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

StoryChasers Brainstorm 4

John Peters, Vicki Allen, and Rob Jacklin joined me this evening for a sixty minute online meetup via and Skype (thanks again Ryan Gordon for the instructions) to discuss the StoryChasers project. I recorded our conversation on Ustream and also archived the text chat, which includes a few links as well as ideas for things we’ll be adding to the project wiki in upcoming weeks.

We discussed different flash-based video cameras, the pages and resources which have been added to the project wiki since our last meeting, more ideas for finding classroom partners for StoryChasers, and additional items that need to be added to the Project wiki. These include a page about curriculum alignments, some screencasts providing tutorials about the project, and a short and sweet project introduction page for interested educators. We’ll be working on adding these elements in the next couple of weeks, to include narrative text that can be used as a “template” for teachers writing local mini-grants for “digital backpack” equipment for their classroom. Check the “recent changes” page of the StoryChasers wiki to view the latest updates.

We will NOT have another StoryChasers meetup next week or for a couple of weeks, but will likely touch base near the end of September. If you have not already, please join the StoryChasers learning community and stay tuned for more updates! My goal is to have the wiki and site ready to announce on various listservs and project registries in the next two weeks. (Early September.)

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One response to “StoryChasers Brainstorm 4”

  1. Grant Mudge Avatar


    On “Cognitive dissonance,” two things struck me in your photos: that the teachers were holding up textbooks, and the sign to their left “building dynamic minds,” a static poster, WHILE:

    …the projection screen in those photos: dark.

    Is that just a laptop on the cart? Or is it the ‘symposium’ to which you refer? I wasn’t familiar with the name.

    Enjoyed the twitter comments, too. Hang in there,

    Richmond, VA