Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast280: Get Wiki With It!

This podcast is a recording of my presentation at the EncycloMedia 2008 conference in Oklahoma City on September 18, 2008. The session description was: This presentation focuses on helping teachers and students utilize WIKIS to effectively collaborate and learn. A wiki is a website that permits designated individuals to jointly author and edit documents. The wiki software TRACKS each person’s contributions, and facilitates easy comparisons between different document versions. Wikis can be used in safe, powerful ways to not only help learners work together but also showcase their work for a global audience. [END] This was the first time I’ve preseneted this particular session and it was a lot of fun. Reference podcaast shownotes for links to my presentation slides as well as referenced resources.

Show Notes:

  1. Presentation slides are available as a PDF file (10.2 MB)
  2. Learning to Change – Changing to Learn (COSN Video – YouTube)
  3. Creating and Connecting: Research and Guidelines on on Online Social and Educational Networking (PDF – National School Board Association, Summer 2007)
  4. Wesley Fryer on Facebook
  5. PBwiki Power Educators Wiki
  6. K-12 Example Wikis from PBwiki
  7. Ms. Gutierrez’ 8th Grade English wiki
  8. Booktalking with You wiki (Pleasant Hill, Iowa US)
  9. Coyote Talks wiki (Sheri Edwards, 20+ year veteran teacher – dispels the “digital immigrant” myth)
  10. Video “pb wiki-how do you use pbwiki?” (YouTube)
  11. Distributed Teaching and Learning (a post by Darren Kuropatwa explaining how he uses “math scribe” blogs to support student learning (high school, Winnipeg, Manitoba)
  12. WikiPedia
  13. Writing, Technology and Teens (April 2008 PEW Internet report)
  14. Albert Einstein and the policing of Wikipedia (Feb 2008 post)
  15. PBwiki
  16. WikiSpaces for Teachers
  17. Wetpaint
  18. MediaWiki (self-hosted option, same engine as WikiPedia)
  19. TikiWiki (another self-hosted wiki engine option)
  20. Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Learning Community
  21. K-12 Online Conference
  22. Video: Wikis in Plain English (Lee LeFever)
  23. The Oklahoma Heritage Association: Telling Oklahoma’s Story Through Its People
  24. Additional wiki links related to this session
  25. EncycloMedia 2008 conference website

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6 responses to “Podcast280: Get Wiki With It!”

  1. Laura Laycock Avatar
    Laura Laycock

    This is interesting. How do you preserve confidentiality in posting student work for parents to view?

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    There are several ways to address student confidentiality and privacy issues, Laura. One is via a parent and student permission form authorizing the publication of student work with the student’s first name only used. Another way is to have students publish using a student number rather than a first name. Pam Lowe, an elementary teacher in Missouri, has used this method in her classroom wikis. Another way is to have students publish using a pseudonym. They know their pseudonym, as do their parents and classmates, but others do not. Another way is to use a wiki as a “walled garden” application, where access is restricted to class members and parents only. I recommend finding a way to publish student work on the open web, however, in some form or fashion. The power of the authentic audience beyond the traditional walls of the classroom can be much more powerful and tangible when work is published openly rather than behind a login.

  3. Carol VanHook Avatar

    Amen to statement #3! I like the idea of the authentic audience. This excites the learner that they are being heard and valued globally!

  4. Teresa Rush Avatar
    Teresa Rush

    Great info! Your first link doesn’t go to the pdf of your slides but instead to the audio file for this presentation. Any chance that can be changed to the pdf? Appreciate all your great work. You are a wonderful resource.

  5. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Sorry about that Teresa! Thanks for catching this error– Here is the link to a PDF of my slides. I’ve fixed this link in the shownotes also.