Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

TechCon 2008 GabCast Channel and Chatzy Room

If you’re attending the TechCon 2008 conference today in Naperville, Illinois, here is the Gabcast channel information we are using to share takeaways and learning points from the conference:

TechCon Gabcast Channel

You can access the conference Chatzy room for backchannel discussions by using the shortened web address

The password to both our Gabcast channel and Chatzy room is the SAME and will be shared this morning during my opening keynote.

Anyone can access the published audio recordings from our conference Gabcast channel.

I’m sharing a closing presentation at the conference today to summarize learning points and will use audio recordings shared by conference attendees from our Gabcast channel. Links to presentation slides for both my presentations (“Navigating Opportunities and Risks in Hyperconnected Schools” and “Guidelines & Instructional Applications for Cell Phone Use @ School“) are available.

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