Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Gong Show dreams amidst amazing tales of Oklahoma and midwest history

Today was the final day of our November Celebrate Oklahoma Voices workshops on digital storytelling for 17 new participants in Tulsa and 19 new participants in Oklahoma City. While I was only able to see one-fourth of the newly published participant videos this morning during our “show and tell” time (I saw half of those shown in OKC) I took some time tonight to see several of the other videos online which are now part of our learning community website. We revised our agenda for this week’s 2.5 day workshops based on the success we had last week for a 1.5 day “partner’s workshop.” Day one was entirely an audio-focus, using Audacity and the Platronics headset included in participants’ “digital backpacks,” and Switch software along with the Olympus WS-110 digital recorder. Day two included a focus on images: Those which can be taken with the kit’s digital camera as well as images which can be located via Creative Commons image searches. In Day 2 we also introduced PhotoStory3 and iMovie, depending on the platform preference of participants.

I continue to be amazed at the frequency with which at least some workshop participants completely blow off / choose to ignore the guidance we provide on copyright-friendly media resources and Creative Commons. As we did this summer, we had a participant this week ignore all instructions and use a CD of copyrighted music for his digital story along with copyrighted images located via a Google image search. I think we need to come up with a memorable skit or ploy to help teachers recognize that they should NOT do this, or encourage/allow students to use media in this careless way which ignores copyright/fair use guidelines altogether. I’m thinking we should write a reader’s theater and take a gong show approach.

Gong Show
Creative Commons License photo credit: suzanne carey

It would be rude and insensitive during the “show and tell” portion of the workshop on day 3 to simply “gong” a participant who has used all copyrighted images and music in their digital story, and flagrantly ignored all our guided practice and suggestions about intellectual property respect. I’m sure if we did that, however, we might actually make an impression on some of our educator participants who seem bound and determined to persist in their intellectual-property infringing ways despite our best efforts to show “there is a better way.”

I use a Safari bookmarks bar RSS feed link to keep close tabs on all the activity on our learning community website. Events include new members, newly added videos, (both of which must now be approved) new comments, and new friend notifications. 59 “activities” this afternoon on our site is quite a bit of activity!

A lot of daily activity on the COV website!

Thanks to our participants as well as my twitter network this evening, we added several new websites to our “Music and Audio Resources” page on our Google site for the COV project. I anticipate we’ll be adding a lot more to our Image Resources page, especially as we continue collaborating with state library and state Department of Education – Library Division educators on a new Library of Congress workshop institute opportunity for Oklahoma educators. (Teaching Inquiry Through Primary Sources)

Here are four of the wonderful stories which Oklahoma educators created this week in our COV workshops.

Dora Fuqua created this amazing story of her great-grandmother’s journey as a blind child from Oklahoma to Colorado for a miracle surgery which gave her the gift of sight:

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

Debbie Evans tells the story of Elmer McCurdy, who was an Oklahoma outlaw/train robber made famous when his mummfied body become part of traveling shows and circuses in the early 20th century.

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

Andy Boatman related some stories from the incredible 1947 tornado which struck Woodward, Oklahoma:

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

Julie Cook worked with her daughter to record the narration for the story of John James Scannell, one of the orphaned Scannell children in her family who lived a tragic life:

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

It was a pleasure to again work with fantastic Oklahoma educators in these workshops. I am 100% sold on our model of using three facilitators for these workshops. There’s no way I’d EVER want to teach one of these 2.5 day workshops on digital storytelling alone!

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