Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

MASSCUE XO Learning Moments

Today at the MASSCUE 2008 conference in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, I was delighted to meet Diane Serley.

Diane Serley and Wesley Fryer at MASSCUE 2008

Diane is a leader in the Boston-area OLPC User’s Group, and owns one of only two companies (XOExplosion) worldwide authorized to resell official parts for the XO Laptop / OLPC. Since I presented four times in the morning / early afternoon today, I was not able to attend Diane’s session on the XO Laptop. I was, however, able to audio-record the session and got Diane’s permission to share it later as a podcast. It would have been so fun to attend her session! She had a “jam pack” of XO Laptops from the OLPC group at MIT, and everyone in her session was encouraged to explore and play on the XOs!



The most significant learning moment for me today was hearing Diane describe this solar panel designed as a charging device for the XO laptop. These cost $19 each to manufacture and sell commercially for $25.

XO Laptop and $19 (cost) solar panel charger

How cool!

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4 responses to “MASSCUE XO Learning Moments”

  1. Mark Ahlness Avatar

    Hi Wes,

    Very cool!! Interesting that xoexplosion is now selling a different solar panel from the first one they carried, which I purchased. Same manufacturer, but 10watt/14volt. I later bought a second one direct from the manufacturer in China (

    I look forward to hearing Diane’s podcast, as I have had quite an experience with these panels. I would encourage people to investigate and maybe wait for a solar power source for the XO officially endorsed by OLPC.

    For those interested in experimenting, and exploring solar power on the XO, I’ve had quite a ride with my two panels, and have initiated a couple of OLPC Forum discussions about them: and

    Some very interesting contributions there, including a notable one by Richard Smith – who knows the power specs on the XO better than anybody…

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Mark: I will check out those links– Of course I was immediately thinking of you and your time showing me your XOs at NCCE today… I will try and get Diane’s podcast published over the weekend. 🙂

  3. Andy Avatar

    I just got my OLPC laptop. It looks good. I am wondering if I can get parents to purchase from the program and donate their OLPC to the school. How to get them interested and how to incorporate them into the curriculum.

  4. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Andy: Sorry I missed your comment when it was posted somehow…

    I’d suggest a PSA campaign by your students, sharing the videos they create with your local news media. If kids make the case for this in creative and compelling ways, I’d guess adults will pay attention. Having mainstream media coverage can also help a great deal. Good luck!