This podcast is a recording of the keynote address I shared at the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators educational technology conference in Sturbridge, Massachusetts on November 19, 2008. The official conference program description of this session was: U.S. educators in the early twenty-first century face formidable challenges but are blessed with access to unprecedented tools and opportunities for shared professional learning. As teachers we must help our students master content area knowledge and skills, but also develop and refine a set of important 21st century literacy skills that are not measured on traditional, multiple- choice examinations. How can we effectively and realistically enable our students and teachers to meet the learning demands we have inherited from 20th century legislative mandates, and simultaneously embrace and encourage the development of 21st century skills? A focus on creating and collaborating within a context of project-based learning offers hope in the face of these challenges. Let’s explore together practical ways students and teachers are using digital tools to create and collaborate together, reaching new heights of student achievement and documentable learning.
Show Notes:
- Session wiki links
- Presentation Slides (PDF – 2.4 MB)
- MASSCUE 2008
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One response to “Podcast293: Creating and Collaborating: The Keys to 21st Century Literacy (MASSCUE 2008 Keynote)”
Wes, I enjoyed your podcast (with your slides) very much! Thanks so much for sharing your message – Mark