Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Tips for digital story evaluation

The end of the fall term for North American learners sometimes (if students are lucky enough to have a willing teacher) also means the conclusion of digital storytelling projects. When it comes to the evaluation stage of videos, I highly recommend Bernajean Porter’s resources about Peer Review of Digital Stories on DigiTales. Her scoring guides/rubrics are also GREAT.

Oh, The Irony
Creative Commons License photo credit: sideshow_nyc

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2 responses to “Tips for digital story evaluation”

  1. Andy Hamaker Avatar
    Andy Hamaker

    I appreciate Bernajean Porter?s resources about Peer Review of Digital Stories on DigiTales. Her scoring guides/rubrics look especially helpful. I plan to introduce digital storytelling in my classroom, and anticipate using her rubics.

  2. David A Avatar

    Wanted to let you know about heekya.

    It’s simple. Storytelling is broken online. We’ve fixed it.

    Here are some of the highlights:

    Heekya is the Wikpedia of Stories, a social storytelling platform that is changing the way consumers create, share, and discover stories. Free. Fun. Easy. 60 seconds. See it here:
    What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) drag and drop story editor. Import all media (photo, video, text, and audio) from third party services (Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, etc.)
    Users grab and embed Heekya story widget across social networks (Facebook, MySpace, et. al) blogs (wordpress, blogger, twitter) personal websites and via e-mail and instant message.
    Ability to re-mix and mashup other stories, retelling them from a consumers own vantage point, that will keep user engagement levels high and attract more traffic virally, as people share and re-share stories.

    Storytelling is at the core of human existence. We’re building Heekya to unlock powerful stories of people all over the world and empower them to share their story with anyone, anywhere, anytime.