Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Join the Internet Blackout – Protest Against Guilt Upon Accusation Laws in NZ — Creative Freedom Foundation (

This morning following the opening session at theLearning@School 09 conference in Rotorua, New Zealand, I learned about the New Zealand Internet Blackout campaign from Dave Winter, ICT manager at Southwell School in Hamilton.

Join the Internet Blackout - Protest Against Guilt Upon Accusation Laws in NZ — Creative Freedom Foundation (

According to the website:

The New Zealand Internet Blackout protests against the Guilt Upon Accusation law ‘Section 92A’ that calls for internet disconnection based on accusations of copyright infringement without a trial and without any evidence held up to court scrutiny. This is due to come into effect on February 28th unless immediate action is taken by the National Party.

Take a moment and sign the petition online with your email address.

Hat tip to Jo Fothergill for this link via her Twitter profile.

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