Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Some recent notable pics and reflections

I love to take photos. My iPhone is the best digital camera I’ve ever owned, because it is almost ALWAYS with me. Here are a few recent photos I’ve snapped which have seemed notable for different reasons. These are all posted to my Flickr account.

I found this juxtaposition of the high-tech digital and the low-tech analog quite hilarious last week. Here’s a friend’s iPhone with a sticky note prominently attached!

Juxtaposition technology and low-tech reminders: an iPhone and a sticky note!

This is the first local homeowner’s association I’ve seen which has put its neighborhood news online. Very progressive! They’re even using WordPress for their site. Woo Hoo! 🙂

Neighborhood News Online

Radio Shack is now selling a wireless lapel microphone and receiver for $50, but it only has one antenna and I’ve been advised it’s not very good if you have a speaker/presenter (who is wearing the lav mic) that moves around very much. I’ve been counseled that Nady has a $150 “true diversity wireless system” with a lapel mic that might meet my needs well for an inexpensive lapel mic system I can use for mobile Ustreaming. I might look for one in Austin when I’m down there later this week for COSN. I found this Nady on for $80. Wow. That model is on clearance, they have another model for $99. If you’ve used this or have advice for relatively inexpensive, wireless, lav mics I’d love to read your thoughts and advice as comments here!

$50 Radio Shack wireless lapel microphone

Radio Shack wants to help our kids start using digital cameras early. This is a VTech $40 digital camera on clearance:

VTech $40 digital camera for kids at Radio Shack

This Little Tikes digital camera at Radio Shack is just $25.

Little Tikes $25 digital camera at Radio Shack

Just think. An entire generation of kids is growing up now who have no idea what a “film camera” is or what it’s like to photograph with the limitations imposed by film. Amazing.

Churches everywhere here in central Oklahoma seem to be registering and using “.tv” domains. This is a billboard advertisement in downtown OKC for Victory Church at Their byline: “Hope is just a click away.” Refreshing.

Hope is just a click away at

This was an advertisement for people to join the Oklahoma National Guard which I saw at the Oklahoma City Public Schools’ central office this week when I registered my son for a transfer so he can attend Classen SAS next year.

Oklahoma Army National Guard advertisement at OKCPS

The ad suggests people should join the National Guard to “have fun, make new friends, and make money.” Significantly the ad does not say anything about “deploy for 6 to 12 months at a time to the near East and leave your family behind.” So much for full disclosure. Interesting marketing strategy. Perhaps it’s working well for them. I’d think it would be good to include “Serve your country and your state” in the marketing pitch too, but perhaps I’m overly idealistic.

Last of all, here’s an office sign a friend of mine who works in the Oklahoma State Department of Education has in her office which I just love.

Dance, Sing, and Love. Great advice!

In case you’re reading this without images being visible, I’ll transcribe it for you. The sign says:

Dance like no one is looking.
Sing like no one can hear you.
Love like you can’t be hurt.

For a creative and passionate soul like me, that sounds like some great advice. It’s certainly not “safe” advice, but it is good advice for people who want to truly LIVE their lives and not, as Meg Ryan aply reflects to Tom Hanks in one of my favorite movies, “Joe Versus the Volcano,” go through their life asleep.

Let’s LIVE people! We need to do more dancing, singing, and loving EVERY day! 🙂



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2 responses to “Some recent notable pics and reflections”

  1. Jason Avatar

    Hi Wes… I am curious how you then patch that into your Mac… I would like a similar system for my classroom but I haven’t really investigated how I would then hook that into a computer…

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Jason: I use a M-Audio Mobile Pre to use XLR and other microphones with my Mac. M-Audio has some other USB audio interfaces, the Fast Track costs about $100 I think. I bought my Mobile Pre about 2 years ago and it was $220 then I think.