Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Powerful Ingredients for Digitally Interactive Learning in Amarillo May 16th

I’m presenting a full-day, hands-on BYOL (bring your own laptop) workshop in Amarillo, Texas, on Saturday, May 16, 2009, titled “Powerful Ingredients for Digitally Interactive Learning.” As of this morning, eight more spots are still available in the workshop, which will be held at the ESC16 Service Center. The workshop description is:

Good teaching is similar in many ways to good cooking. Recipes are helpful, but master cooks often modify those to meet different needs and situations. The same is true for teachers. If we extend this analogy of cooking to teaching and learning in a web 2.0 world, what are the best “ingredients” to use as we help both teachers and students learn to be more effective, safe, and powerful communicators in our flat world? In this working session we will focus on six key ingredients:, social bookmarks, Flickr photo sharing, VoiceThread digital storytelling, collaborative writing tools, websites for phone recording as well as SMS polling, and videoconferencing. Cooking can be intimidating for novices, but richly rewarding. Bring your own laptop and join Wesley Fryer as you learn how to cook up some gourmet learning with some powerful (and free) web 2.0 tools.

fruit in a blender

This is a topic I’m going to be writing, presenting, and speaking about QUITE a bit in the months ahead, as Karen Montgomery and I are continuing to work on a book focused on these topics.

If you live near Amarillo and aren’t registered for this event yet, please sign up and join us a week from Saturday! 🙂

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