Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

No Partnership for 21st Century Skills Speaker’s Bureau Membership for me

I sent an email back at the end of May 2009 to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, inquiring about the possibility of joining their Speaker’s Bureau to advocate for digital literacy and a 21st century skills emphasis in our schools both in the midwest and around the nation. Their answer this evening? Sorry, you have to be a member or an employee of a member organization to “receive training” to represent P21, and only members can be in the bureau. Since membership is VERY EXPENSIVE, and Story Chasers is a non-profit, I have no hope of joining this club of digital learning and literacy advocates.

How sad and unfortunate.

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2 responses to “No Partnership for 21st Century Skills Speaker’s Bureau Membership for me”

  1. Greg Casperson Avatar

    I had read earlier about your interest in them and had so checked out their site and then checked around a little more about them. Though a great name, they don’t really seem in partnership with educators.

    The paperless teacher has an good piece on this group.

  2. Andrew B. Watt Avatar

    The fact that the Partnership is “members only” simply demonstrates that they are not a web 2.0 organization, and that they don’t get it. You could be providing cheap or free publicity to them; you could be getting into the schools where they want to be; you could be communicating with parents and students. You could be a door into something greater than they already are.

    But they’re dumb. They’re probably reading about the Iranian revolution in paper copies of Newsweek and Time or something like that.