Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

EduBloggerCon: Web 2.0 Smackdown

These are my notes from the Web 2.0 Smackdown session at EduBloggerCon 2009. I arrived about 15 minutes after the session got started.

Google Similar Images: now integrated with regular image search

Similar Images allows you to search for images using pictures rather than words. Click the “Similar images” link under an image to find other images that look like it. Try a search of your own or click on an example below.

CompFight: Flickr image search which yields easy to scan thumbnails, can limit searches to creative commons only

FlickrStorm: Lets you search for Flickr images and add them to a saved URL, great for works cited page, unfortunately doesn’t let you search for CC only – Search for YouTube videos in a format similar to CompFight

issuu – “Explore a world of publications by people and publishers alike. Collect, share and publish in a format designed to make your documents look their very best” – shorten multiple URLs to one, like browsing through tabs in a single window

toogle: google and twitter results shown



Retweetist: how often you have been

Google “David Pogue expansion software”
Typing-Expansion Software NYT article by David Pogue

Tag galaxy – finds original image sources – online Finale or Sibelius
– music can be collaboratively edited

Jamstudio: put in chords

Extension for Firefox: Wolfram Alpha results shown beside google results

Bump iPhone app for exchanging contact info

Todaysmeet for backchanneling

Here was Kevin Honeycutt’s YouTube submission from the train to the session:

Here’s the Ustream of this session

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4 responses to “EduBloggerCon: Web 2.0 Smackdown”

  1. Jason Avatar

    Thanks, Wes, for putting up these notes. I listened to the UStream today but I was hard to hear a lot of these names…

  2. Christine DiPaulo Avatar
    Christine DiPaulo

    Thank you so so so much! I was trying to keep up with it all this morning!