Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Exemplary Digital Stories from Hugo, Oklahoma

We wrapped up our tenth 2.5 day “phase 1” Celebrate Oklahoma Voices digital storytelling workshop for summer 2009 today in Hugo, Oklahoma. These were five of the fifteen wonderful stories created by the K-12 teachers who participated in our workshop this week. All but one of those stories are available now on our COV learning community website, which now includes 377 videos created by Oklahoma teachers and students. Great job Hugo teachers! We’re two-thirds through our summer workshop series, with five more workshops to go before school begins for everyone this fall!

“A Place Called Home” by Kimberly Smith (5 min, 2 sec) – Relates stores of Soper, Oklahoma, a small community near Hugo to which Kim has close family connections.

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

“A Great Place to Stop” by Amy Caraway (2 min, 34 sec) – Tells about many of the things which make Hugo, Oklahoma, such a special place to live, including the fact that it’s home to 3 traveling circuses which winter in Hugo each year! This video could go on the website homepage of the Hugo Chamber of Commerce!

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

“Fort Towson” by Steve Hanson (3 min, 54 sec) – If I didn’t know better, I might think Steve is a high school history teacher rather than the Hugo high school art teacher, given the excellent quality of this historical documentary about nearby Fort Towson, Oklahoma. Fort Towson was the final civil war duty station of the “last remaining Confederate Army troops, commanded by General Stand Watie, [who] surrendered to Union forces at Fort Towson on June 23, 1865, following the Battle of Doaksville.”

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

“Warning Danger Ahead” by Jane Schreur (2 min, 8 sec) – This video is a safety public service announcement for students and others to respect and follow warning signs. Jane’s inclusion of personal connections to the location in Washington state where a tragic accident took place make this particularly memorable and moving.

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

“Blended Families, Not All New” by Danny Groat (4 min, 27 sec) – Hugo football coach Danny Groat did a fantastic job weaving facts about his own family history into this story about blended families and how they are really not as “new” as some people might lead us to believe. A touching story of family love, which includes some familiar TV family personalities as well as personal images of Danny’s own family.

Find more videos like this on Celebrate Oklahoma Voices!

Are the K-12 teachers in Hugo Public Schools talented or WHAT?! Everyone worked hard and learned a great deal at this week’s COV workshop, I think. Many thanks to Paula Pogue for co-facilitating with me! 🙂

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