Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Password common sense not common

The article “Student Sues Coach Over Facebook Message: Teenager Says Coach Invaded Her Privacy” from Jackson, Mississippi, highlights the importance of password security and student privacy in schools.

a lock and key

Several things seem pretty clear here, but apparently were not to the parties involved:
– People should never share their password with others. This includes students sharing their Facebook password with a teacher/coach. Never a good idea.
– People should never solicit someone else’s password from them. Passwords for individual user accounts should be treated as private and confidential.

Are school leaders in your district making plans to encourage campuses to create social media policies in the upcoming school year? While the situation highlighted in this article should have been avoided by common sense on the part of both the student and the teacher/coach, it wasn’t. We need to be having conversations about issues like these in our schools on a regular basis.

H/T to Detention Slip via the NewsOK Education Station.

Cross-posted to the Facebook Group “Social Media Guidelines for Educators.”

The 15 page filed court document is also available from the TV station’s website as a PDF file. This type of news event is yet another example of why we need to take our responsibility seriously as educators to amplify/showcase the constructive uses of digital and social media tools for students. This is a key focus of Storychasers and Celebrate Oklahoma Voices specifically.

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