Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

An amazing view from school (Discovery College in Hong Kong)

This is a short video clip I snapped yesterday at Discovery College in Hong Kong, showing a bit of the view from the school’s upper deck.

I have a bunch of additional photos of Discovery College in my Flickr set from yesterday, which I finally finished uploading this morning as I made final edits to my presentation which kicked off our conference this evening. The Hong Kong government subsidizes approximately 25% of the costs for students to attend Discovery College, so it costs parents about $1000 per month for their child to attend. This may sound expensive (and I definitely think it does) but relative to the costs of some other international schools in east Asia it is not. The costs for Discovery College are comparable to some of our private high schools in the Oklahoma City area. None of those schools, however, are yet implementing a 1:1 laptop program. There is a waiting list of about 700 to get into Discovery College. The school has a 1:1 laptop program using Apple MacBooks starting in year 6.

Students at work at Discovery College (Hong Kong)

Student sewing at Discovery College (Hong Kong)

Students at Discovery College (Hong Kong)

Unit on "The Power of One" at Discovery College (Hong Kong)

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One response to “An amazing view from school (Discovery College in Hong Kong)”

  1. jzalesky Avatar

    Hong Kong was a great place to visit. I have been there about 15 times while serving in the Navy. That school was being built the last time I was there so I didnt get to see if finished but it did look awesome.