Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Visualizing social media publishing – LIVE

Social media is growing quickly, but just HOW quickly? Gary Hayes has created an embeddable widget which helps visualize the explosive, real-time growth of social media.

I’m going to share this with teachers during my keynote tomorrow morning at the 2009 Kansas Association of Teachers of English (KATE) conference in Wichita. The conference theme this year is, “The Global Classroom: Language Arts and the Millennial Student.” I’ll be sharing a modified version of my presentation, “CCC in the 21C: Create, Communicate, Collaborate.” I’m very enthused to be sharing a keynote with a non-educational technology audience! Don’t get me wrong, I love edtech conferences, but I’m thrilled to be sharing some messages with a “core content area” educator conference that has likely not heard of many things I’ll discuss.

H/T to Terry Elliott via delicious, via FriendFeed.

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One response to “Visualizing social media publishing – LIVE”

  1. Diane Quirk Avatar

    Perfect! I have a staff presentation tomorrow morning and this will be pretty powerful as we’ll be talking about 21st century skills. Gary’s explanation and citation of his sources is great!
    Thanks for sharing!